Windows 10 Fall Creators Update has remained one of the most stable and fastest-adopted versions of the operating system. Last month we reported that the Windows 10 FCU had hit an unprecedented 90% adoption rate ahead of the scheduled April 10 release of Windows 10 Redstone 4. Since that release is yet to happen, Windows 10 1709 is still the reigning release of the Windows world getting all the attention of trackers and statistics.
According to latest statsfrom AdDuplex,the largest cross-promotion network for Windows Store apps and games, Windows 10 version 1709 is now running on more than 92percent of Windows 10 PC. [This data was collectedover the day of April 25.]
Modest increase this month but Windows 10 FCU appears to be the fastest moving version
The Windows 10 FCU is now on 92.8 percent of Windows 10 PCs, which is a modest uptick from last month's 90.4 percent usage share. Sinceit hasnow been quite a few months since Windows 10 Fall Creators Update was released, it is likely thatthe update has gone as far as it can. Hoping that Windows 10 Redstone4 (Spring Creators Update aka April Update) will be released to the public in the coming days, theFCU numbers will start going down.
However, as AdDuplex notes Windows 10 FCU will be the one release for others to beat. In comparison, Windows 10 Anniversary Update was the only other Windows 10 version that managed to hit 90 percent share before the new version was released. But that had happened after seven months ofits release, which means Windows 10 1709 has been received more proactively by users than any other Windows 10 version released so far.
As for the previous versions of Microsoft's latest operating system, Windows 10 Creators Update has dropped from 4.3% to 3.2%, Windows 10 Anniversary Update has dropped from 3.6% to 2.9%, Windows 10 1511 has dropped to 0.7%, and the original Windows 10 1507 has stayed at 0.4%.