Tweetbot's version 4 was released two weeks ago that brought a handful of new features and enhancements to the iPhone and iPad. Although the update was dependent on iOS 9, the version 4 was definitely a major upgrade. Almost two weeks after the update, Tweetbot received another update that is oriented towards users with iPhone 6s or 6s Plus.
The infamous third party Twitter client, Tweetbot's version 4.0.1 now brings more functionality for users with the latest lineup of iPhones. The update is oriented toward iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, because of the 3D Touch support. Tweetbotnow supports Quick Actions from the Home screen as well as other key features which we will be detailing later on.
Scroll down to see more details on Tweetbot's latest update with support for 3D Touch features.
TweetbotNow Supports Apple's 'Peek And Pop' 3D Touch Feature
Tweetbotis now geared with 3D Touch reinforcement, enabling users to access features right from the Home screen using Quick Actions. The Quick Actions for Tweetbot can be deployed by pressing down on the app icon firmly, unveiling a new set of options in the new window pane.
Since there are four options available, the first option is 'Tweet' that only opens the app. The second option allows users to open the keyboard and type the tweet immediately. The third and fourth option of the Quick Actions enables users to 'Tweet Last Photo' and 'Show Activity'. The 3D Touch support for Tweetbot is really handy and productive since it minimizes the time to open the app and navigate to several keys and tabs to get to the desired location.
Moreover, the Tweetbot update also supports Apple's 'Peek and Pop' feature. The Peek and Pop feature is of great importance to users who wish to preview the link content without actually opening it. The aforesaid feature can be accessed by firmly pressing down on the display over the link, opening a miniature window, showing users the content underneath. Furthermore, if you keep pressing the link with more force, the link would 'Pop' open and reveal the entire link content.
Other than this, using 3D Touch over the Tweet and sliding in an upward direction will allow users to reply directly to the tweet, Quote, Retweet and Favorite the tweet. The update has also included 3 new localizedlanguages, Spanish, French and Japanese.
For those of you interested in the updated Twitter client, Tweetbot, it is available from the App Store for $4.99. As for now, share your thoughts about the updated Tweetbot app for iOS with 3D Touch support.
Download Tweetbot v4.0.1 For iOS