Apple launched its flagship smartphone of the year, the iPhone X merely two weeks ago. While the handset has received mostly positive reviews from around the world, other users who are a bit resistant to change see the notch as a distracting design element. Whatever may be the case, before the launch, Apple encouraged developers to ready their apps for the iPhone X's interface. Now that it's here in all of its glory, apps have been gradually picking up support for the device's resolution. The latest addition, however, is the Spotify app, installed on millions of iPhones across the globe. So let's dive in to see some more details on the Spotify update and whether it brings any other forward-facing additions to the table.
Spotify Updated With The iPhone X's Interface
As we have mentioned earlier, it has been two weeks since the iPhone X made it to the general public. At this point, many popular apps are on the waiting list to support the device's taller 5.8-inch display. Spotify is the latest app to adopt support for the iPhone X's display.
Even though the app did not fit into the iPhone X's display, it did work properly with all of the content packed between letterboxes at the bottom and top portion of the display. Frankly, if applications remain un-updated, there's no point off getting the iPhone X to begin with. With the top and bottom letterbox design on the apps that lack support for the new interface, the iPhone X looks like just any other iPhone. So we're glad apps are gradually adopting the new resolution of the new design.
The latest update of Spotify updates the app to version 8.4.28 and it stretches the interface to all corners of the display. The latest iPhone's notch at the top houses a handful of sensors alongside the TrueDeoth Camera which is responsible for Face ID and Animoji. Spotify has no operations related to the iPhone X's notch, situated on the upper portion of the display. Apart from this, Spotify is available on the iPad and CarPlay and also includes an iMessage app. We will let you know more details as soon as we hear them.
This is it for now, folks. What are your thoughts on the iPhone X's top notch? Does it distract you, or comes in the way of your daily mobile-related operations? Share your views with us in the comments.