Apple announced its forthcoming iOS 10 firmware at the WWDC event on Monday. Since then developers have been walking through the beta firmware in an attempt to look for what else it has in store. While developers have managed to find support for dark mode, there are quite a handful of aspects that remain undiscovered. Similarly, a Reddit user has discovered that iOS 10 beta leaves more accessible storage on iPhone and iPad compared to the previous iOS releases.
Installing iOS 10 Beta Leaves Users With More Storage Capacity
It has been seen that the storage capacity increases significantly. The total storage capacity is jumped up around 8% on both iPhone and iPad. The real reason for this is still unknown. However, it can be said that iOS 10 takes much less storage when compared to iOS 9. This could be a very likely condition for the expanded storage space on iOS devices after installing iOS 10 beta. You can see the image shared by a Redditor, showing 128 GB iPhone 6s. The device on the left is running iOS 9.3.2 and on the right is an iPhone 6 running iOS 10 beta 1.
While users with the 16 GB iPhone or iPad variant will receive only a couple of hundred megabytes, variants with more storage capacity, such as the 128 GB variant, will end up with a much larger ratio. Apple also allowed users to delete stock apps in iOS 10. Could could this have an impact on the overall storage available for users? For what we know so far, deleting apps only removes the user data and and other minor aspects, while the binary remains intact to the OS. So possibly, deleting stock iOS apps does not contribute to access storage.
Other than this, it could be due to the fact that Apple has implemented a new mechanism that calculates storage capacity. It could be true that the system measures 1024 to 1000 based system when counting for storage. This would result in the same increase of storage capacity of 8%. Hence, 113.46 GB is the same as 121.83 GB if you go by this mechanism. So what does it mean, are users really receiving more storage or is this just because of the new file system?
Since iOS 10 is still in its beta stage, the final version of the operating system could vary. We will surely let you guys know if we have more news supporting the subject. As for now, what do you guys think about excess storage capacity discovered in iOS 10 beta? Be sure to let us know in the comments.