We got our first glimpse at the dedicated Bixby button with the Galaxy S8. Barring the dozen people who actually use Bixby, everyone else has been looking for ways to make it do something useful. It was possible via third-party apps/root, but as of today, all Samsung devices with a dedicated Bixby button will have the ability to remap the key. This means users can easily remap the Bixby button on their shiny new Galaxy S10, or do the same on the Galaxy S9, S9+, S8, S8+, as well as the Galaxy Note 9 and Note 8. If you happen to own any of the devices and want to remap the Bixby key, here is how you go about it
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You'll need to update your Bixby app (and all related Bixby services)To do that, head over to your App Drawer and find the Galaxy App Store.Tap on the three dots in the top-right corner and tap on My Apps followed by UpdateTap on Update All and wait for the process to finishOnce complete, head over to your Settings app and navigate to Advanced FeaturesTap on the option that says Bixby Key (should be on top of the page)You can map an application to either a single or double tap of the Bixby button (the other option will still invoke Bixby, along with long pressing the key)Select either one of the two options and toggle the switch on in the next menuYou can now set the Bixby button to open an app of your choice to run a 'quick command."Quick Command is a watered-down version of Google Assistant's Routines.
That's all there is to it. Samsung doesn't let you bind the key to other competing virtual assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant just yet. I'd be overly optimistic if I said that Samsung would let us do that in a future update. Samsung is convinced that Bixby is still relevant, so we're stuck with it for the foreseeable future.