Apple introduced iOS 15 alongside the new iPhone 13 models and it brought a plethora of new additions to the table. The company made great improvements when it comes to communication. For the first time, Apple allowed Android and Windows users to join in a FaceTime call. Other than that, the company also introduced Voice Isolation in FaceTime calls. The feature allows users to block background noise that enhances the overall user experience. If you want to use the feature for yourself, this is how you can enable Voice Isolation and block background noise in FaceTime calls on iPhone and Android.
How to Enable Voice Isolation on Your iPhone and iPad and Block Background Noise While on a FaceTime or Other Video Call
Apple has made FaceTime video and audio calls more appealing to users with the launch of several new extensions. The company wants to standardize its FaceTime video calls, replacing other conferencing apps. Moreover, the company also introduced Voice Isolation. If you are unfamiliar with the mechanism, we will teach you to how to enable Voice Isolation and block background noise in FaceTime calls on iPhone and iPad. The steps are fairly simple, so be sure to follow them carefully.
1. The first thing that you have to do is initiate a FaceTime video call. You can also initiate a call from third-party apps like Zoom or Skype.
2. Once the call is active, simply swipe down and bring theControl Center. You have to drag it down from the top right corner of the screen.
3. Tap on the Mic Mode button situated at the top and you will be presented with three options: Standard, Voice Isolation, and Wide Spectrum.
4. Select Voice Isolation from the list and you are all good to go.
This is all that you have to do, the Voice Isolation feature will now block any noise coming from the background and focus on yours. The new feature is highly appreciated for office meetings and even taking classes online. If you want to disable Voice Isolation in FaceTime video calls, you can simply repeat all the steps mentioned above and then select standard. This will revert the settings to default. The process is the same on iPhone and iPad, so follow the steps carefully.
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This is all that you have to do to enable Voice Isolation on your iPhone and iPad. The feature is useful in a lot of scenarios and we wish Google and other Android smartphone manufacturers to release a similar feature. Would you give the new feature in iOS 15 a swing? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.