The Google Play Store, since it embraced the Material Design language, has seen little to few changes, aesthetically of course. But today, a Google software engineer has shared screenshots of anupcoming Google Play Store update, and boy it looks nice, as itbreaks away from the current design language in a very, very inspiringmanner.
The aforementioned Google software engineer has been working on the Play Store app for over six years, hence we're calling this first look at the upcoming upgrade 'legit.' And as you can see from the screenshots itself, the app is now being broken down into two well-defined sections 'Apps & Games' and 'Entertainment.' We're sure you can guess by now which section houses what. In case you're wondering, all your applications and gaming titles will live under the 'Apps & Games' section, whereas movies, TV shows and other entertainment content will reside in the 'Entertainment' bunker.
Apart from the above mentioned change, the new Google Play Store app will also feature new animations that is bound to make a massive impact on the overall usability of Big G's content store. Here's a glimpse of the animations courtesythe very same Google software engineer itself. Admit it, it looks gorgeous!
At this point in time it's very unclear when this new update will start rolling out to everyone. But given the spit and polish we are already seeing in the screenshots then it's safe to declare that the update can't be too far off. We're dropping our cards on a 'few weeks from now' rather than 'a couple of months.' But of course, we can be wrong.
It's greatto see how Google is taking the Material Design approach forward as we move into the future. But it's somewhat of a disappointment as well given how Marshmallow, the latest Android update from Google, does not bring anything new to the table in the UI department. It would've been a huge move from the Big G's end if it threw subtle design alterationsin its mobile OS, giving users hope of the changes to come in the future, but instead, the company chose to go against it and has opted to push tweaksover the air as it conjures them up in its design lab.
What are your thoughts and opinions on the above design changes? Be sure to let us know about them in the comments section below. We love to hear back from our readers!