After releasing Chrome 62 for Android OS and browsers, Google's Chrome team is now rolling out Chrome OS 62. The Chrome OS 61 brought a Pixel-style launcher along with new lock screen, Chrome OS 62 picks up from there and brings an overhauled Android-like notification panel to Chrome OS. However, the most critical security change addresses the KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability.
With the addition of Android app on Chrome OS, there was a difference in notifications appearance for Android apps and the ones from the Play Store. Chrome 62 bridges this divide and adopts Android style appearance of notifications for Chrome apps too. Now, Chrome apps also feature smaller icons, app name, and time, alongside revamped notification action buttons beneath. The design of the entire OS now looks more uniform and pleasing to the eyes.
The version 62 also brings an “enhanced touch experience” for the Files app along with support for zooming legacy apps in tablet mode. Enterprise users now have Kerberos SSO (single sign-on) integration for Active Directory managed Chrome OS devices. There is also enhanced support for full-screen apps in Enterprise Public Session mode.
As we mentioned earlier, Chrome 62 update brings several fixes on the security front. The KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerabilities that surfaced earlier this month have been fixed. Regarding Wi-Fi, Chrome 62 update includes Randomized Alternate Hosts for Captive Portal Detection and ARC++ inbound network connections. All these additions tweak the security level of the ecosystem.
New features at a glance
Kerberos SSO integration for Active Directory managed Chrome OS devicesAbility to zoom legacy apps in tablet modeRandomized Alternate Hosts for Captive Portal DetectionChrome notification style & interactions refreshEnhanced touch experience in Files appSupport for full-screen apps in Enterprise Public Session modeARC++ inbound network connections
The version 62 for Chrome OS has begun rolling out on Friday for all devices. Chromebooks with Play Store integration are slated to get the update “in the next few days.”