It is often annoying to lock your Mac when you go get a coffee or some water and then get back, unlock it before you use it - all the hassle for a 5-minutes task. It becomes more annoying in the office or campus premises because it just needs a couple minutes for you to stay away from your laptop before someone pulls off some prank through your email ID or Facebook status. Be it the casual pranks from friends or crucial security and privacy concerns, the locking system has become ever so important for our digital presence. How to make your Mac then lock itself automatically when you are away and then unlock when you get back? It is possible to get such ease of automatic locking system on OS X thanks to a utility.
Automatic lock / unlock on OS X:
OS X HandyLock is a useful utility that helps you lock and password protect your Mac every time you get away from the device. Using the Bluetooth on your phone or any other device as a key, the utility measures the range and lock your screen for you when the Bluetooth device is out of range. To set up the process, you will have to download the HandyLock app, assign it a password, pair up the Bluetooth device (any device would work) from inside the app and ta da!
The pairing of Bluetooth device with HandyLock will require you to put the device at a place where you usually do - on the desk, in your pocket, on your wrist. This way the app will be able to recognize the usual distance and range between the device to decide when to lock up the Mac. The app can also hide itself if you want it to so no one disables it. The set up is easy and the life afterward is easier. Someone is calling? Simply get away without the worry of security on your Mac. Getting back to your Mac for some quick reference, it will unlock itself when you walk back. Easy, simple and secure!
- HandyLock