With the announcement of the new Apple TV 4K, Apple also had something special for owners of the previous models. Apple debuted a new feature with tvOS 14.5 that allowed users to calibrate the color balance of their television set connected to the Apple TV. However, the latest tests have discovered that Apple TV's color balance calibration feature might make image quality worse on some TV sets.
New Tests Reveal Apple TV's Color Balance Calibration Makes Image Quality Worse on Some TV Models
A professional television calibrator company Vincent Teoh, reveals that Apple's color calibration feature on the Apple TV makes the image quality worse. The company runs the YouTube channel HDTVTest and they have put Apple's software implementation to the test. According to the test, Teoh discovered that there were several instances where Apple's Calibration feature worsened the image quality. The test reveals that the Calibration incorrectly shifted the color output of the Sony mastering monitor. You can check out the video below for more details on the test.
Teoh conducted several tests and two of the three Television sets had their color accuracy off-shifted. However, when the test was conducted with Samsung's QLED TV, the color accuracy was improved throughout. Nonetheless, the image shifted to the cooler side of the spectrum. On the Sony LED TV, the color accuracy was worsened and the image quality was again on the cooler end of the spectrum. On the LG OLED TV, Apple TV's color calibration improved true color accuracy without implementing a cool hue on the image quality.
Teoh states that Apple's color calibration should be used with care and it can not replace the professional color calibration which is done through specialized tools. Users can test out the new Apple TV color calibration feature for themselves and then adjust their TV's settings to their requirements.
How to Enable and Use Apple TV's Color Balance Calibration on Any Model
This is all there is to it, folks. Share your views with us in the comments.