Apple seeded iOS 14.5 to all users yesterday with a wide range of bug fixes and performance enhancements. The update also carried a plethora of front-facing additions as well, like the new App Tracking Transparency feature. The feature allows you to prevent apps from tracking your app data for potential ad target purposes. Now, some users are reporting that Apple's App Tracking Transparency toggle in iOS 14.5 is not available.
App Tracking Transparency Toggle in iOS 14.5 Not Available for Some Users
The App Tracking Transparency toggle in iOS 14.5 is grayed out for some users. What this means is that users are not able to interact with the toggle, turning it on or off. Apple's new app tracking feature is enabled by default in the Settings so you can choose which apps have the permission to track your data and which are not allowed.
After installing iOS 14.5 on their iPhone, some users are reporting on Twitter and other social media networks that the new App Tracking Transparency feature is not available (via 9to5mac). The publication also shares that the issue seems to rest on devices in which the "Personalized Ads" feature was off before updating to the latest build. At this point in time, it is not sure whether the new feature is a bug that Apple should fix.
There is not much that you can do regarding the situation at this point. However, Apple will possibly reveal details on the App Tracking Transparency feature not available after updating to iOS 14.5 soon. You can check if the feature is available to you or not. Moreover, we will share more details as soon as we have information pertaining to the matter.
Are you experiencing the problem as well? Let us know in the comments.